Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Finally, some pictures!

Above, a street scene from Oviedo -- a very lovely little city.

A typical path in Galicia... moving south from the coast.

These giant puppet heads were on benches next to the police station in MaldoƱedo. (No, we were not there for drunkenand disorderly conduct... we were picking up the key to the albergue.)

I would send more but the connection here is practically dial up. Will keep trying as we move along.

Best wishes from Vilalba... the Fresno of Spain.


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous path in Galicia! Looks like an elfen forest. Not too long now before the Pilgrim reaches her final destination-- can't wait for the whole dysfunctional Powerpoint presentation....Valdereeeeeeevalderaaaaaaaa-- your knapsack on your back Lotta love

Anonymous said...

Hi Dana!
Ms. Bossy Boots has instructed me on the mysteries of blogging (she's so technically advanced, no?) Here I had been waiting to receive noticias from you as in the past - didn't realize I had to put some effort into finding you! Mea culpa-
Your travelogue is wonderful and pictures quite enticing - I too can't wait for the power point version. Perhaps you, Noelle, Deb and I can attempt another convergence up my way sometime this summer for the PP...
Will be interested to hear if you would do the north version of the Camino again - (or any version, for that matter) Maybe someday I'll come along...
Sending you much much love, Pen

creativebeadz said...
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creativebeadz said...

Nice pics! Missed you this weekend at the San Mateo gem show--you would have liked it on Saturday--not busy at all. Talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

Get back soon. I have jewelry I want you to make, and I miss you! Of course I'm glad for your adventure and look forward to many tales of the trail. Here's to you for making this adventure happen - and sharing it with all of us! Take care. - Diane